Encountering places through painting

Spending time in places and engaging them in the painting process is a way to let environments influence what happens on the canvas. A performative approach of site-responsive painting that involves engaging surfaces, features and occurances in the environment, lets the place participate in the making of the work. Each canvas may go through several wrapping and re-wrapping painting occasions, where marks build up among themselves and resist and connect.


“Enncountering these places through painting has brought me a deeper affection and admiration for the land and each unique thing in it. Although I may not have come to fully understand these places, it’s like I have passed through a greatness, a generous and spacious place through painting here”

Full article: Amanda Watson (2021): Painting encounters with environments: experiencing the territory of familiar places, Journal of Visual Art Practice, DOI:10.1080/14702029.2021.1925856, or click here for an open access copy on this website

Video by Muredach Daly @onemancrewnz